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Fulbrook School

Frequently Asked Questions

School Hours

Q) What time does school start and finish?

A) Students need to arrive at school between 8:15am and 8:25am so that they have time to get to their form rooms for registration at 8:30am. The school day finishes at 3:00pm. 

Q) When does my child have lunch?

A) Lunchtime is from 1:15pm until 1:55pm

Q) What time are the lessons throughout the day?

A) Please click here to view the timings of the school day.

School Meals

Q) What are the meal prices?

A) The prices of break time snacks vary. School meals are £2.76 per day. For more information on school meals please click here.

Medication and Medical Appointments

Q) What if my child requires medication during the school day?

A) You will need to complete our Medication Permission Form and bring this to the School Office along with the medication so that our Principal First Aider can administer the medication as required. For more information please click here

Q) What do I need to do if I need to collect my child early from school for an appointment?

A) Please email your child's name, form, the date and time that you need to collect them and evidence of the appointment to office@fulbrook.school

Lost Property

Q) What should I do if my child has lost something at school like their pencil case or their coat?

A) Please email office@fulbrook.school with your child's name and a detailed description of what they have lost and, if we locate it, we will ensure that it is passed to your child's form tutor and it will be returned to them in form time.